Tips to Avoid Root Canal Treatment

Most people search for tips to avoid root canal treatment even though it is an effective procedure that helps to fix common dental problems like decayed and damaged teeth.

The reason why people wants to avoid it is because of the pain that comes with this treatment. It is more painful than a regular dental procedure which makes me afraid of it.

We at Sachin's Multispeciality Dental Clinic provide the best root canal treatment in Patna. Every year we deal with several patients that need root canal treatments and we have seen how terrified people are with this procedure.

According to a survey published by the American Association of Endodontists, people are ready to run a marathon or swim alongside with sark rather than going for a root canal treatment.

If you are also one of those people then worry not as in this blog we will provide some effective tips to avoid root canal treatment. 

10 Tips to Avoid Root Canal Treatment

To Avoid root canal treatment you have to practice some daily dental habits and be cautious of certain things. Here are some root canal prevention tips that you must follow: 

1. Brush and Floss daily

Tooth decay is one of the reasons that can lead to root canal treatment. To avoid it you have to remove the root cause of tooth decay which is plaque and bacteria.

The best way to fight these two is by brushing and flossing daily. Health experts recommend their patients brush and floss at least twice a day to prevent dental diseases. Try to be consistent if you wish for a fast and better result. 

2. Avoid Hard and Sticky Foods 

Do you know it is impossible to reverse a root canal naturally? Yes, you read it right once the root canal is infected then it can only be fixed with an RCT dental procedure.

If you wish to avoid this situation then stay away from sticky and sweet foods. These types of foods support the growth of bad bacteria, which leads to tooth decay. Additionally, foods that are hard to chew are also not recommended as they can crack your teeth. 

3. Eat Healthy Foods 

We have discussed in the previous section reversing the infected root canal is impossible. But, you can reverse a tooth infection in its early stages without this procedure.

So, How to cure tooth infection without a root canal? Well, your diet plays a crucial role in your dental health and that's why you should eat healthy to cure the tooth infection. Consume foods that are rich in anti-bacterial properties like garlic and fenugreek tea.

4. Clean your Tongue 

People generally don’t take their tongue seriously but it is an integral part of our dental health. Cleaning the tongue may not have a direct connection to the root canal.

But it has a positive impact on the overall hygiene. So, make sure to clean your tongue along with your teeth to lower the risk of cavities, which lead to root canals. 

5. Keep Yourself Hydrated 

We know how important water is for your bodily function. However, not many are aware of the fact that it's also a natural cavity fighter. When you drink water it flushes away all the stuck food and reduces the risk of plaque buildup that gives rise to cavities.

You can also add fluoride to your water as this chemical helps strengthen the teeth' enamel. This is the reason why fluoride tooth is considered the best toothpaste to avoid root canals.

6. Wear a Mouth Guard

Tooth decay is not the only dental problem that needs a root canal. Chipped and damaged teeth also require root canal procedures to get fixed. That’s why those who participate in intense physical sports should wear mouth guard as protection for their teeth.

Additionally, if you struggle with teeth-grinding issues then you can ask your dentist for a mouth guard to wear at night. This will protect your teeth from extra wear and tear. 

7. Be Cautious of What You Drink


Almost every one of us had bought a soft drink by getting influenced by their advertisement. The reality is different from what we see in those ads about these drinks.

They contain carbonic acids that can ruin your smile by damaging your enamel. Weak enamel makes your teeth more vulnerable to cavities. Additionally, citrus juice is also not healthy for our teeth as it feeds the bad bacteria in the mouth. 

8. Don’t Take Your Cavity Lightly


One of the best tips to avoid root canal treatment is not taking your cavity lightly. It can give rise to severe and common dental problems that may lead to root canal treatment.

Many people wait for the cavity to go away on its own but it doesn’t happen every time. That’s why one should go for tooth filling treatment as it can repair the cavity. This is how filling can prevent root canal treatment. 

9. Get Your Tooth Pain Checked

If you want to know how to avoid root canal pain then you should be cautious about normal tooth pains. If you are feeling tooth pain in a specific area then get it checked immediately as it can be a sign of an infection.

Getting the pain checked through a dentist will help fight the infection in its early stage otherwise you may have to go for RCT. 

10. Go for Regular Dental Check-Ups 

Even if you believe that you are not suffering from any dental issues you should go for dental checkups.

This is because during this treatment a dentist examines your dental health completely which helps them to detect signs of upcoming dental hazards. Detecting symptoms of a severe cavity or an infection early will reduce the risk of getting RCT.  

So these are the 10 tips to avoid root canal treatment. If you are serious about avoiding root canal treatment you also go through this FAQ section. 


Which toothpaste is best for the root canal?

Toothpaste with a good amount of Fluoride is best for avoiding root canals because it strengthens the enamel. It is an outer protective layer of the teeth that prevents bacteria from damaging them. 

Can filling prevent root canal

Yes, fillings can prevent root canals as they are effective in repairing cavities. They are also relatively cheap from tooth canal and also protect the teeth from further damage.   

How to cure tooth infection without a root canal

You can only cure tooth infection naturally if you can detect the infection in a very early stage. Otherwise, once it spreads then only root canal treatment can help you get rid of it. 


Root canal treatments are comparatively more painful than normal dental procedures.

This is why people are afraid to go through this treatment. If you are also one of them, read the 10 tips to avoid root canal treatment that we have given in this blog. Going through these tips will help you reduce the chances of getting RCT and also improve your dental health.

However, if you believe it's been too late for you to do that you are witnessing signs that you need a root canal treatment, then come to Sachin's Multispeciality Dental Clinic. We provide the root canal treatment services in Patna.

We have some of the best dentists in Patna who will give you personalized treatment. Regional folks love to visit us because of our warm and welcoming environment.

Additionally, our unique and effective approach is another reason why people trust us with their dental issues. We are generally overbooked because of our popularity.

So, hurry and book your online appointment through this website, or you can contact us through our official number.