Can Dental Crowns Fix Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth certainly impact your confidence and oral health, which can make your daily activity more challenging. You could use braces or aligners as their common solutions for misalignment; not everybody is ready to come for months or years for that orthodontic treatment.

However, apart from these two, there are also other methods you can use to fix your group naturally. Here come the dental clowns in the role! 

Dental crowns are often used for restoring damaged or weak teeth, but they can also be used for a cosmetic fix as well. By placing a custom-made cap over a tooth, a crown can improve its shape, size, and alignment while leaving the appearance of a straighter smile.

Dental crowns offer a potential alternative for certain cases, helping to improve the appearance and functionality of crooked teeth. But can they truly fix misalignment?

In this discussion, we will be unveiling the facts about whether can dental crowns fix crooked teeth or if there is any other way you can fix crooked teeth without orthodontic treatment. 

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What are Dental Crowns?

Before stepping directly into the facts of whether dental crowns can fix crooked teeth, let’s get a detailed overview of what dental crowns are. Crowns are medical caps crafted to wrap the whole tooth surface area.

That’s why the best orthodontist in Patna uses this treatment to restore both the shape and appearance of the teeth. Additionally, it also provides strength while increasing the size of weak and damaged teeth. 

Traditional crowns feature variations between porcelain and ceramic and metal components and bendable materials for both strength and realistic esthetics. Some dentists suggest that dental crowns can be used to improve the alignment of teeth in cases where the misalignment is mild to moderate.

In the next section, we’ll be discussing how crowns on crooked front teeth can work with alignment or whether dental crowns can help fix crooked teeth naturally. 

How Can Dental Crowns Fix Crooked Teeth?

Dental crowns provide versatile restoration, which helps straighten teeth for patients whose misalignment does not reach the level requiring orthodontic care. These different restoration methods function according to the following procedures: 

1. Reshaping the Tooth - If a tooth is slightly crooked, your dentist may reach to shape it by trimming certain areas before placing the Crown, which is custom-made.

The custom-made new crown fits better between neighboring teeth, which produces an illusion of straighter teeth.

2. Enhancing Aesthetics - Crowns cover the entire visible portion of a tooth, which means that dental crowns enable customized shapes and dimensions to align with personal preference.

People choose crowns to enhance their smile appearance since they present the same aesthetic advantages as braces but require no clear aligner equipment.

3. Correcting Bite Issues - Patients with bite alignment issues benefit from crown placement that repositions and adjusts teeth heights for better bite distribution.

The proper placement of dental crowns distributes bite forces across the teeth, which reduces jaw stress and helps prevent future dental complications.

4. Fixing Minor Gaps - Small spaces between teeth (diastemas) become treatable through the application of dental crowns to fill them. Dental crowns receive minimal width adjustment or contour changes from dentists to create an evenly spaced teeth appearance.

Crowns create some alignment improvements yet fail to substitute proper orthodontic care when substantial teeth misplacement exists. A dentist examines the patient's dental health and case severity to establish if crowns remain an appropriate therapy.

With this, you must have gotten the idea of How to fix crooked teeth without braces. 

Now, let’s look at the procedures followed by the top dental clinic in Patna during crown treatment.

Procedure for Crown Treatment for Crooked Teeth

Well, the Crown treatment is a multi-step process that requires a professional hand. The treatment ensures the tooth is properly prepared, shaped, and restored by providing a durable and aesthetic crown.

Below is a step-by-step breakdown of the procedure in detail:

1. Consultation & Examination

The very first move you need for How to fix crooked teeth in adults is to consult an expert professional. With a detailed consultation with the dentist, you will get a significant idea of the severity of the crooked tooth.

Your dentists check all the parameters like Alignment issues, Tooth strength and structure, Presence of cavities, decay, or infections, and Gum health and surrounding teeth.

Further, they may also take X-rays or Digital Scans to assess the root and bone condition. 

2. Tooth Preparation

Once the decision for a crown is made, the very next is the preparation of the tooth for crown placement. Just to create space for a crown, the dentist removes a thin layer of enamel (the outer part of the tooth).

However, the amount of trimming depends on the extent of misalignment and the material of the crown (metal crowns require less trimming than porcelain crowns).

Before applying a dental crown, the dentist must restore severely damaged teeth using dental filling material when necessary.

3. Impression Taking (Mold or Digital Scan)

Well, whether you need crowns on crooked front teeth or any other teeth, the dentist takes an impression of the tooth and surrounding teeth.

There are two significant methods to take impressions, i.e., Traditional Mold and Digital Scan.

While using the traditional method, dental professionals mold teeth using a tray composed of putty substance.

But for digital Scans, A 3D scanner operating through digital means records digital images of teeth with higher accuracy than conventional techniques.

4. Temporary Crown Placement (If Needed)

There are chances that a permanent crown takes time to be made, and for that, a dentist may put a temporary crown on the teeth.

The dentist places a temporary crown on the treated tooth during the manufacturing process of the permanent crown.

For satisfactory temporary crown care, people should consume soft foods and use gentle brushing strokes and flossing, but they should see the dentist immediately when the temporary crown dislodges.

5. Permanent Crown Placement

Once the permanent crown preparation is ready, the dentist takes away the temporary crown and then assesses its color and bite alignment. The dentist makes small modifications during this period to reach both a comfortable fit and a natural feel.

The dental adhesive procedure permanently attaches the permanent crown through tooth bonding so it maintains its secure position. The dental professional finishes the crown by exactly matching its appearance to neighboring teeth and making sure it functions well to achieve a realistic effect.

All in all, this is how can dental crowns fix crooked teeth. But keep in mind that to achieve optimal results choose a top-quality dental clinic in Patna. 

The Best Dental Clinic in Patna for Dental Crown 

Dr. Sachin's Multispeciality Dental Clinic is the best dental health care center in Patna for implant treatment. We provide our patients with a variety of implants to choose from according to their specific needs.

Additionally, we also ensure a safe and effective treatment for our patients by leveraging the latest dental tools and technology. Our commitment to providing personalized treatment that is tailored to every individual bodily needs has made us gain popularity in the town.

Regional folks love revisiting our clinic again and again because we provide the most reasonable dental crown cost in Patna.  Our clinic is easily accessible as it is located in the heart of Patna-Bailey Road. 


While figuring out whether can dental crowns fix crooked teeth or not, we get to know that yes, it can. However, it is not very effective when severe teeth misalignment exists. 

That’s why to Keep in mind that to achieve optimal results with dental crown treatment for crooked teeth, you need to be in touch with a top-class dentist.

In Patna, Dr. Sachin Kumar is one of the best dentists for dealing with crooked and misaligned teeth. He will educate you about all the possible treatments for your solution, along with crowns.

He makes sure to provide his patients with safe and secure treatment that lasts long. To book an appointment with him, visit Dr. Sachin’s Dental Clinic in person or click the button below. 

Hurry! Because your crooked and misaligned teeth will keep getting worn with time and may become hard to treat. 

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