Can Tooth Cavity Be Reversed Naturally

Right from childhood, our parents and teachers teach us to take care of our dental health otherwise it will lead to tooth decay or cavities.

But, like every other child, we also used to ignore this advice. This is the reason why almost 16 to 17 percent of children suffer from severe untreated cavities.

Tooth cavities are holes that form after one damages their tooth because of poor oral health. Dental experts also call it tooth caries or sometimes tooth decay.

It is generally caused because of the accumulation of plaque, which is a mixed form of bacteria, saliva, acid, and food particles.

This why we at Sachin's Multispeciality Dental Clinic always suggest our patients come for regular dental checkups as it helps to remove the accumulated plaque which prevents cavities.

However many people who don’t like visiting the dentist regularly believe they can prevent or fix their cavities at home.

But is it possible? can tooth cavity be reversed naturally? Let’s find out. 

Can Tooth Cavity be Reversed Naturally?

To know can a cavity goes away naturally or not we must first understand the difference between tooth decay and tooth cavity.

Tooth decay is a progressive disease that starts with the wearing of the enamel because of bacteria. On the other hand, a tooth cavity is a hole that forms in your tooth.

People get confused between these two because they have a connection to each other. Tooth decay is a dental issue that can cause tooth cavities if not treated one time.

This is why reversing tooth decay can be possible but if it results in a cavity or we can say a hole in the tooth then it will require professional dental treatments.

So, the answer tooth the question “Can cavities reverse on their own?” is a big No. Now, let's check out some professional dental treatments that can help to fix tooth cavities. 

Dental Treatment for Tooth Cavity

As we have discussed when it's too late to reverse tooth cavities then only professional dental treatment can help deal with them. So, here are some dental treatments to fix cavities:  

1. Fluoride

We believe that now you have understood can a cavity repair itself or not. So, what's the solution for it? Well, many treatments can help fix this issue and a fluoride treatment is one of them.

If you are suffering from stage 1 early cavity then this treatment will be best for you. But, what is a Stage 1 early cavity?

When the bacteria start attacking the enamel and create white spots then it is the first stage of early cavity.

The Fluoride treatment helps to fight this cavity by strengthening the enamel which makes it hard enough to sustain a bacterial attack.  

2. Dental Fillings 

Can a very small cavity go away? Yes, it can be treated with the help of dental fillings. It is one of the most suitable treatment options for tooth cavities, especially when it advances from the initial stages.

In this procedure, the dentist drills out all the decayed tissues and then fills the hole, with dental fillings. This filling comes in materials like composite resin, silver amalgam, or gold. 

3. Crowns

As we have discussed dental fillings are one of the best ways to treat tooth cavities. However, those people who have damaged their fillings must be eager to know how to heal a cavity without fillings.

Well, a dental crown is one such treatment that dentists recommend to their patients if the cavity is larger and more severe.

Dental crowns are custom-fitted caps that encase the entire tooth. To adjust the crowns the dentist tries to create space in the teeth by drilling holes into them.

There are different types of dental crowns in terms of material, they are available in gold, porcelain, resin, or stainless steel. 

4. Root Canal Treatment

When the tooth cavity is not treated for a longer time then it starts spreading to the inner part of the teeth which we call pulp.

This leads to different other complications like extreme tooth sensitivity, and gum disease. So, how to remove cavities from teeth at this stage?

In conditions like these one should opt of for root canal treatment in Patna. In this procedure, the dentist removes the infected pulp and then cleans the canal perfectly.

Lastly, the dentist fills the space with filling material. This procedure will need two clinic visits to complete.

In the second meeting, the dentist will use the dental crown to restore the functioning of teeth. If you were wondering “how to heal deep cavity?” then root canal treatment will be your answer. 

5. Tooth extraction

It is very importnat to know how to reverse tooth decay in its early stage otherwise it may lead to the removal of a tooth.

When the cavity damages the tooth and makes it impossible to save then the dentist applies the tooth extraction method.

It is also known as tooth pulling as in this procedure the dental expert pulls the tooth out from the socket.

Additionally, the dental expert will use anesthesia to reduce pain. You may also need a dental bridge or dental implant to replace a permanently extracted tooth. 

So, these were the 5 dental treatments that help in fixing the tooth cavity. If after coming this far in the blog you are still figuring out can tooth cavity be reversed naturally?.

Then, Let us tell you once again that only a dental procedure can help you in this situation. So, stop searching for “how to heal cavities in 2 days at home” and try to contact the best dental clinic in Patna.

However, some natural ways can help you to prevent these dental issues. 

Home Remedies to Prevent Cavity? 

Searching for “how to stop tooth decay from spreading home remedies”? stop right there as no home remedy can help you to reverse it. But, you can defiantly prevent it with the help of some easy tips: So, to prevent tooth cavities: 

  • Chew Sugar Free Gums 
  • Have More Vitamin D
  • Use Aloe vera
  • Eat licorice root
  • Brush with Fluoride toothpaste

Apart from these oil pulling is also beneficial in preventing tooth cavities. But, can oil-pulling heal cavities naturally?

No, there is not a single study available that proves its benefits in reversing tooth cavities.  


In this journey of figuring out can tooth cavity be reversed naturally? We get to know that there is no natural way to deal with these dental issues and only a professional dental treatment can help in this situation.

So, if you are suffering from it then wait no more and start searching “dental clinic in Patna near me”. Sachin's Multispeciality Dental Clinic is one of the top dental clinics in Bailey Road Patna.

We have all the dental services that are crucial for treating tooth cavities. At our clinic, you will also get the chance to meet the best dentist in Patna.

Regional folks call us the top dental multispeciality clinic in patna because of our super-friendly and welcoming environment.

Because of our popularity, we are mostly overbooked so if you wish to get treated at our clinic then don’t waste another second and contact us via our official email or number.