Causes and treatment of tooth sensitivity

Summers are here and so does the time to enjoy our favorite flavored ice cream. However, still, some people may not be able to enjoy a nice cone of ice cream because of their tooth sensitivity.

It causes sudden pain when the teeth come in contact with hot, cold, and sweet foods or beverages. Additionally, in some severe sensitivity cases, even breathing cold air can result in pain. 

So, how do you stop sensitive tooth pain immediately? Well, health experts at our dental clinic in Patna Boring Road suggest that there are many ways to deal with these issues.

However, those who wish to get rid of it completely should first try to understand its causes. This is why in this blog we will discuss the causes and treatment of tooth sensitivity.

By the end of this blog, you will get most of your questions answered regarding tooth sensitivity. So, without wasting any let's start the blog. 

Causes and Treatment of Tooth Sensitivity

If you are suffering from tooth sensitivity then don’t be sad as you are not alone in this. Millions of people have this dental disease.

However, as the best dental multispeciality clinic in Patna, we will not advise you to avoid it as it will get worse with time.

Knowing tooth sensitivity treatment along with the cause behind it will help you get rid of it quickly. So, let's deal with the causes and treatments one by one,  

6 Causes of Tooth Sensitivity 

Dental experts say that the main reason behind tooth sensitivity disease is the loss of protective layers that cover dentin. This can happen due to many reasons and here are some of the main ones. 

1. Brushing too hard - Are you someone who loves to rush thing things in the morning and uses your brush too harshly? Well, stop this habit from today as it is not good for your health in the long run.

A Dentist at the best dental hospital in Patna says that continuous hard brushing can wear down the enamel which uncovers the dentin and gives rise to the pain and discomfort.

2. Gum Disease - If you or your family member suffers from gum disease then you should start searching “best dental clinic near me”.

This is because gum diseases such as gingivitis can also damage the enamel by increasing inflammation.

Additionally, it will also expose the root which will result, in pain and other side effects like sensitivity. 

3. Cracked Teeth - Having crooked, cracked, or chipped teeth is not healthy because it may lead to lead to sensitivity.

A damaged and uneven tooth creates space that allows bacteria to enter and accumulate. This accumulation of plaque may get to the pulp and cause inflammation and pain. 

4. Teeth Grinding - Another reason why people's teeth are suddenly sensitive to cold air is because of teeth grinding.

It is a dental condition in which a person unconsciously rubs their upper and lower teeth with immense force. This wears down the outermost layer of teeth, enamel which makes it sensitive to hot, cold, and sweet. 

5. Acidic Food - If you also struggle with questions like “Why are my two front teeth sensitive all of a sudden” then you must focus on your diet.

Health experts at the best dental clinic on Bailey Road claim that consuming acidic foods can also damage the enamel and lead to sensitivity.

Citrus fruits like tomatoes, pickles, and tea are some of the acidic foods that cause enamel erosion. 

6. Use of Teeth Whitening Product - You are enjoying sweets and your one tooth suddenly becomes sensitive. Many who rely on over-the-counter dental products experience this because they are acidic.

Teeth whitening products are famous for having hard chemicals that affect the enamel and lead to sensitivity.

Come to Sachin's Multispeciality Dental Clinic to get a safe and long-lasting tooth whitening treatment. Here you will also get the most affordable dental treatment price list in India. 

So, these were the 6 reasons behind the tooth sensitivity. Now by moving forward in quest of knowing the causes and treatment of tooth sensitivity, we will talk about the treatments.

4 Main Treatment of Tooth Sensitivity

Are you fed up of experiencing the sudden pain while eating your favorite dessert? Well, worry not as some dental treatments can help in fixing your tooth sensitivity: 

1. Root Canal - If you are suffering from severe tooth sensitivity then don’t waste time searching for tooth sensitivity home remedy.

Choose professional dental treatments like root canals as they are far better than home remedies in dealing with serious tooth sensitivity.

It will take all the accumulated plaque out of your tooth which will reduce pain and tooth sensitivity.  Remember to opt for a good dental clinic for your root canal treatment in Patna.

2. Gum Graft - This is another advanced treatment that can help in getting rid of tooth sensitivity. Dentists use this procedure when extreme tooth sensitivity is caused by the recession.

In this procedure, the dental experts apply tooth-colored resins to exposed tooth roots, which reduces the sensitivity.

3. Fluoride Treatment - Enamel erosion is one such dental condition that can lead to severe tooth sensitivity.

To deal with this issue doctors generally recommend their patients go for fluoride treatment. Fluoride is a mineral that works as a natural enamel hardener, which reduces sensitivity.

However, don’t rely on over-the-counter fluoride toothpaste as they may not work.

Come to Sachin's Multispeciality Dental Clinic for your fluoride treatment as here you will get the most affordable dental hospital price list. 

4. Try Home Remedies - If you discover “how to stop sensitive teeth pain immediately home remedies” then you will get a plethora of options to choose from.

However, among all of them oil pulling is one such remedy that is easy and convenient to practice.

Also, consuming clove and raising your mouth with salt water can be helpful. Additionally, remember that home remedies will not work on severe tooth sensitivity cases.

So, these were all about the causes and treatment of tooth sensitivity. Use this information not only in treating sensitivity but also in enhancing overall oral health. 

If you want to get more personalized tips then don't waste your time searching for a “dental clinic in Patna near me” as our dental experts are always ready to help you.

So, come to Sachin's Multispeciality Dental Clinic and experience world-class dental care at an affordable price.  


While exploring the causes and treatment of tooth sensitivity we learn that it is a common dental issue that has numerous causes and treatments.

In this blog, we have discussed some of the common ones. If you believe that you need more personalized tips or advice regarding your tooth sensitivity then you must contact a good dental health center.

However, to do that you don’t need to waste your time and energy by searching “best dental clinic near me” as Sachin's Multispeciality Dental Clinic is there to help you.

Here you will get the availability of the best dentist in Patna. Additionally, we are also equipped with the latest tools and technologies to provide our patients a top-notch dental care.

Regional Folks love to visit us because of our affordable and effective treatments.

So, if you are searching for a “dental clinic near me with fees” look no further than Sachin's Multispeciality Dental Clinic and book an appointment ASAP.