How to Deal with Wisdom Tooth Pain

Dealing with wisdom tooth pain is not a piece of cake. Most people find it challenging and uncomfortable. Whether it's a dull ache or sharp, persistent pain, it can disrupt your daily life.

According to the best dentist in Patna, it will create difficulty in eating, talking, and even sleeping. This is why it's very important to understand the causes of wisdom tooth pain.

As the best dental clinic in Bailey Road, we also advise our patients to be aware of the ways to manage the pain that provides the needed relief.

In this blog, we will figure out how to deal with wisdom tooth pain by exploring effective home remedies, and over-the-counter treatments.

All of these will help you cope with wisdom tooth discomfort. So, if you were looking for practical advice to ease the pain then read this article carefully. 

How to Deal with Wisdom Tooth Pain?

Most people decide to remove their wisdom teeth because they cause discomfort or they don’t know whether is wisdom tooth pain bearable not not.

However, according to the experts of a dental clinic in Bailey Road Patna, it is not always the best way to deal with the pain.

There are some tips that one can follow to manage it without removing the tooth.

1. Saltwater Rinse

How can I make my wisdom teeth stop hurting? Well, there are many methods to do that but relying on salt water rinse is the most convenient one.

it helps to deal with wisdom tooth pain by reducing inflammation and keeping the area clean. This is because salt has natural antibacterial properties that kill bacteria and prevent infection.

What happens is when you rinse with warm salt water it soothes the irritated gums and also supports healing.

Not only that it can also reduce swelling and flushing out the debris that is trapped around the wisdom teeth.

To use this wisdom tooth pain unbearable home remedy, first, put a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. 

Now swish it around your mouth for 30 seconds, and the pain reduces gradually. To take more out of this remedy try to do this several times a day. 

2. Peppermint

How long does wisdom tooth pain last? It may last for 7 to 10 days. But you can reduce this time by having peppermint.

It will enhance the effectiveness of a saltwater rinse by providing extra relief and a refreshing flavor. Health experts say that the natural cooling properties of peppermint help to soothe inflamed gums and reduce discomfort.

Many of our patients have used a few drops of peppermint oil in their salt water rinse to improve its taste and effectiveness. 

It reduces the pain while making the rinse more pleasant for the tongue. But peppermint is not just limited to this as it has antimicrobial properties that remove the bacteria in the mouth.

Also, this mint promotes better oral hygiene and supports healing. 

3. Clove Oil

Most people want to know how to sleep with wisdom tooth pain because it makes resting pretty hard. Well, if you are also one of them, try using clove oil.

It is very effective in managing wisdom tooth pain. This is because clove oil contains eugenol which is a natural pain reliever and antiseptic.

It numbs the affected area and also reduces inflammation which as a result decreases pain. So those who struggle and wonder about wisdom tooth growth pain how long should apply a few drops of clove oil.

To use it perfectly put its drop on a cotton ball and place it on the painful tooth. Using this will provide comprehensive relief from wisdom tooth pain that you have been craving for so long. 

4. Cold Compress

If you are fed up with wisdom tooth pain's unbearable effects then you can try a cold compress for quick relief.

According to the experts of a dental clinic in Patna Boring Road, like the clove, it also numbs the affected area.

When you apply it outside of the cheek, it reduces the inflammation too. It works by constricting blood vessels, which alleviates swelling and dulls the sensation of pain.

It will be best for those who were eager to know,  how to stop throbbing wisdom tooth pain. If you wish to avail the benefit of the numbing effect of this remedy that helps to temporarily alleviate discomfort then apply it for at least 15-20 minutes.

This easy-to-use method will not disappoint you and provide you with quick relief. 

5. Tea Tree Oil

Why do wisdom teeth hurt so bad? Well, there can be many reasons behind it but inflammation is the most common one.

However, one can deal with this by using tear tree oil. With its natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it can help alleviate wisdom tooth pain.

Many people rely on ibuprofen for wisdom teeth pain because they don’t know that tea tree oil can be more effective after being diluted with coconut oil.

Those who wonder, how to relieve jaw pain from wisdom teeth should must must apply this tea tree oil to the affected area.

It will reduce inflammation and fight infection, which will ease the discomfort. Additionally, tea tree oils also can soothe irritated gums and promote healing while preventing further complications. 

6. Turmeric

What happens if I ignore wisdom teeth pain? if you also struggle with this question then let me tell you that it can lead to the hollowing of the jaw bone through fluid cyst formation.

So if you don’t want to search “best dental clinic near me” for professional treatment, at least try to manage wisdom tooth pain.

Turmeric is one such ingredient that can be a great help in this. It contains a compound called curcumin, which has natural anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

When a patient applies it topically then it helps reduce swelling and alleviate the discomfort of wisdom teeth.

Not only that It also has antibacterial properties that can help prevent infection in the affected area. 

7. Numbing Gel

There are many wisdom tooth pain relief tablets but some people choose numbing gel.

It is also known as a topical anesthetic gel that helps in dealing with wisdom tooth pain by temporarily numbing the area where it's applied.

It contains ingredients like benzocaine or lidocaine that block the nerve signals in the affected area. Through this, it reduces the sensation of pain when applied directly to the gums surrounding the wisdom tooth.

It will provide quick relief from discomfort which will make it easier for you to eat, speak, or sleep. 

So, these were some tips on how to deal with wisdom tooth pain. Along with following these tips don’t forget to go for a dental checkup in Patna to know how bad your condition is. 

Effective Tips for Coping with Wisdom Tooth Pain

While figuring out how to deal with wisdom tooth pain we get to learn about several different ways and remedies.

However, some people choose to directly remove the tooth which is not always the right way to deal, with the problem.

According to dental experts removing the tooth is only considered a good option when the condition is too severe to handle with medicines and remedies. 

If that’s the case with you then you can come to Sachin's Multispeciality Dental Clinic. At our clinic, you will get the best dental extraction service in Patna.

Additionally, here you will also get and super friendly and welcoming environment. So, stop searching for a “dental clinic in Patna near me” and book your appointment at Dr. Sachin’s Dental if you wish to get rid of that unbearable tooth pain.